How to find and hunt that "Dream Trophy Boar"?

How to find and hunt that "Dream Trophy Boar"?

All of us have most probably envisioned coming face to face with that dream trophy. Curled upper tusks, sharp and shiny lower tusks that can be seen from half a mile away! So big that you can feel the ground shake when it moves. And so smart that it was never trapped by anyone.

Most of us are willing to go the extra mile to hunt such a trophy. The good news is, many hunters have already hunted such trophies and were kind enough to share their experience with of followers. Here are a few tips from the best hunters who have many record trophies under their belt:

  1. Know The Hunting Region: Wild boars can be found from the bottom of river valleys and to the peak of high mountains. Knowing the terrain that you will be hunting will help you know where to look for that trophy. Big trophies, often chose the most remote spot in the region to hide during the day. Knowing the kind of plantation and crops in hunting region is a key player in helping to find trophy boars. Wheat, corn, apple, peach and pecans are some of the favorite food sources for wild boars. trophy boar, wild boar, hunting, hof, winter, mountain
  2. Hunting Season: In the US there is no hunting season for hogs, but in most of the world like Europe and Asia, wild boar hunting season starts from September to early January. In the beginning of hunting season, days are longer which means boars will start moving later at night. While as we go towards the end of the hunting season, days will get shorter and wild boars will be moving after 6-7pm. Also big males will be around herds competing against each other to get a chance to mate. During mating season, the Alpha male will keep the herd at mountain tops. At this tie of the year, searching for herds at higher elevations have better chances of success.
  3. Ask the Locals: Locals are the best source of information when it comes to tracking down trophies. They know where the most damage has been done to their crop and will happily help the hunter to locate and hunt the boar that caused all that damage.
  4. Be Patient: Patience is the key to lure in that big trophy. It might take days of stalking, and a combination of different techniques to hunt that big one. Big males do not have an specific track and pattern. They often change their feeding ground, so if you see signs of big male in a wheat farm the previous night, don't expect it to be back at the same spot pretty soon.
  5. Right Caliber: You have done your homework right and the long waited trophy is within sight. You may only have one chance to drop it. Certainly not having the right caliber and ammo is the least you may want to worry about. The smallest caliber I would choose for wild boar hunting is 270 win and 130 grains bullet.
  6. Shooting the Vitals: Wild boars have a very thick hide. Shooting boars is different than shooting deer. Aim for he head, heart and lungs. Placing a shot anywhere other that those mentioned above will result in a possible blood trail that will go on for miles.

Boar hunting is one of the most exciting sports in the world. Thousands of hunters are joining the wild boar hunting family every year. We wish we could help our followers get their next trophy with these tips.


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